Conversation exercise

  1. Beschreibe das Hobby auf jedem Bild. (Describe the hobby in each picture.)
  2. Was ist deine Lieblingsbeschäftigung? (What is your favorite activity?)
  3. Fragen Sie die anderen nach ihren Hobbys? (Ask the others about their hobbies?)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

Die Frau singt.

The woman sings.

Sie sind aktiv und treiben Sport.

They are active and do sports.

Ich höre sehr gern Musik.

I like to listen to music very much.

Was machst du gerne?

What do you like to do?

Ich lese gern.

I like to read.

Ich male gern.

I like to paint.



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

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